Our Heritage 

    On the 15th of September in the year of our Lord 1944, in the home of Brother Eugene and Sister Esther Adams, Brother Neil Wyatt, Brother Jaeul Brady, Brother Sam Phillip, Sister Viney Phillips and Victoria Reed met and organized True Vine Missionary Baptist Church. Reverend W. L. Humphrey was running a community revival in the Barrett Station area. These men and women sought Rev. Humphrey as their leader. He accepted their calling and they began having service in the home of Brother Neil Wyatt, located on Locust Street in Barrett Station. Later they moved from Bro. Wyatt’s home to Arcadian Street and Lynchburg Road where they set up tents for their services. In a vision of moving from the tents to a more permanent structure, two parcels of land were purchased at the corner of 404 Oak Street and 410 Locust Street from J. L. Tibbet. An aspiring attorney by the name of Don Lang of Highlands prepared all of the legal documents for the transaction and gave the first one hundred dollars toward the land. Mr. Tibbet donated the lumber for the first permanent structure which was built at the 404 Oak Street address. Reverend Humphrey assembled the first board of officers of True Vine with such dedicated and God-fearing men as Bro. N. Wyatt, Bro. L. Adams, Bro. Richmond Phillips Sr., Bro. Earlest Fontenot, Bro. Daniel Smart, Bro.Willie Beverly, Bro. S. Phillips and Bro. Daly Tatmon. Reverend Humphrey’s theme may have been Matthew 16:18, “Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” He remained pastor until his death in 1967. Over the years we have had many undershepherds, men of God known and loved by many. Reverend Willie W. Washington was one who served for many years until his health failed. He and his deacons constructed the old edifice that now serves as our fellowship hall. Under-shepherds following Pastor Washington led and encouraged us to continue as kingdom builders. Reflecting on Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” we acknowledge that under their leadership God added to the flock as He saw fit. The Pastors included: Reverends George Sims, Kernis Arvie, M. Keith Cooksey, who had a vision to build the current edifice, dedicated to the Lord in 2003, Tyrone Sylvester and our current Pastor, Christopher Sean Carter Sr., whose 2020 Theme is “Purpose”. He has had many visions for the church, but one of the favorites was “Vision to Victory” based on 1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Our current Ministers and Deacons include: Assistant Pastor Delando Williams Sr., Pastor Willie Edwards, Minister Roy Harrison, Minister Joseph Constatine, Deacon Richard Fontenot, Arthur Jack, Gary Bundage, Karl Bass, and Eddie Blacknell. We are also blessed to have Missionary Mary Hebert who is a source of knowledge and wisdom. The church where God’s Word is expounded, His name exalted and His love exemplified.